Friday, December 21, 2012


class for degree ended today!
will lift up their veil for final n gotta fight fight fight!
never expect time flew fast like blink of eyes
thanx batchmates for d AMAZING experience thru hurdle n happiness!
3 years n some 4 years n half*since foundation*
pray all of us d best  Insya Allah ;D

Friday, November 30, 2012

it touched my heart

dis song; plis do listen until d end,
it touched mine, hbu?
because i find it so real n true ;')

Friday, November 23, 2012

SURPRISE for Prof Shad

Happy Birthday Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi!
*just google him n u will noe*
our beloved lecturer ;D

we had been together for 6 semesters comrades! salute! ;D

dats his famous book, Document of Destiny!

lotsa love;
Myra Zain

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Tiada duka yang abadi didunia
Tiada sepi merantaimu selamanya
Malam kan berakhir, hari kan berganti
Takdir hidup kan dijalani
Tangis dan tawa nyanyian yang mengiring
Hati yang rindukan cinta dijalan-Mu
Namun ku percaya hati meyakini
Semua akan indah pada akhirnya
Andai bisa ku mengulang
Waktu hilang dan terbuang
Andai bisa perbaiki segala yang terjadi
Tapi waktu tak berhenti
Tapi detik tak kembali
Harap ampunkan hamba-Mu ini

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

saya mummy wif 2 kids already

td kakak belanja d whole fam dkt Sri Ayutthaya Wangsa Maju
thank you kakak <3
alaaa yg kt tepi carrefour tu
so i recon baby crab dish, seriously double thumbs up! ;D
go discover urself ya
i sempat snap dis pic je

ibu beranak dua
damia zarra n baby aqeel zhafran say hye!

okayh yg lain ni pic google je

Myra Zain

Thursday, November 1, 2012

my shoes r not urs

wide smile, deep pain
my story is my story
its just not to compare mine is saddening or urs is worst
but its just it wont fade it wont disappear  
people tell me to be happy, i am happy, thank you 4 dat huge concern
how thoughtful
but its just something grave deep inside
i wont just walk without thinking
thank you experience 4 wat ive learnt
how easy world fool n deceive u
how easy
but i am who i am in fact i am different
environment taught me lessons
n im learning
wide smile, deep pain
nuff said ;)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Spa Party for 3

feeling restless?
Spa Party for 3 at Piu Pura bath & spa haven is superb!
me, phuven n teyn spend our time here for body scrub, hair cream bath, flower bath n massage includes snack n juice after treatment in Spa Party for 3 package ;D
*wide smile*

p/s: teyn princess i grab pic kt blog u 1, hihi! ;D

Myra Zain

another conteng2 by my friend

Theme: classic makeup

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Helping Friend's Business

hello hello gorgeous out there!
searching 4 someone to do ur makeup?
come come tell me ya..

*i tolong promote je*

Myra Zain

Friday, September 28, 2012

Princess Turns Two Special Day!

hye everyone!
da besar da my little girl Damia now..
jd anak yg solehah dan pandai ya?
aunty will always lapchuuu xoxo

dis poney dress is paklong n maklong's present, damia wore it during party

sport shoes=atok n nenek
princess school bag=aunty
dress=paklong n maklong

baby's alive=mummy n daddy

my handsome boy! Aqeel Zhafran

Paklong, maklong n baby aqeel