we krohuns having our time spent together yesterday!
but sadly without dyba who is still in Aussie x raya kat Malaysia even her fam aunty uncle abg dyba n bibik went there to celebrate raya together n without soe due to busyness.. rindu rindu
firstly ktorg lepak makan dkt kenny rogers je..
where teyn come all the way fom shah alam *touched* xoxo
then tasha baru abes duty malam dgn die ckp mandarin oriental hectic nye, she overslept..
ktorg pun dtg ambush uma aunty kejut tasha...
ahaha! tros beraya..
at nite pulak went to Hulu Langat wif fam for family gathering..
macam biase bbq n spending time wif cousins karaoke..
terasa kehilangan without my arwah abang saudara arwah abg Jep but his wife kak iera do attend last nite.. tsk
*krohuns n Manager/Producer, Mirul* kehkeh
psst psst teyn(retiss dynas) ahaha
not complete
my best shot! *bangge ah photographer jadi jadian* ;D
tasha (retis tasha shilla) belanja uuu! hikhik
Producer byk gossip ni lari dr melodi! kahkah
btw mirul kau nk snap aku ke tudung? confuse!
ketua rombongan krohuns;
Myra Zain