Dear viewers,
hello! ;D
its been awhile ya..
finally i got time 4 blogging..
my attachment program has just started 4 a week..
its a very well kisckstart i shall say!
everyone do welcome me to Albar & Partners *i do hope so n it is as far i can see it la or else at behind i dunno*
dis firm had a unique trend of training chambies (chambering student)
as recently they had 13 chambies altogether n 1 attachment student which is me
1 room 4 chambies at 6th floor n 2 rooms at 8th floor..
i am at 8th floor @ Litigation Department
experience up to now?
tired yes tired but FUN though!
1st task was induction..
went from 6th floor n 8th floor to introduce myself..
then helping a pretty young lawyer kak Haiza sorting out her bundle of authorities..
my task increase in filing Proof Of Debt (POD) for Hong Leong Bank Berhad..
dis one supervised under Ms Sabrina Leong, a very gorgeous petite lady *seriously*
sgt susa ok keje nie.. i've amended few times but still not yet done..
so basically dis 4 days straight holiday is a NO NO holiday 4 me..
then the most a huge chance 4 me eva!
I'm involved in the research team for a big land case..
a millions ringgit land that is subjected for forfeiture..
lawyer handling dis case is a Senior Partner or in other word da share partner of the firm la..
dis wednesday need to see Datuk.. *nervous*
must prepare everything..
research! polish my land law!
i dun want to come up as silent as a hospital during nite..
i want to express my idea!
case search is important..
so? still la dis holiday is a turn off for me..
dis is a must grab opportunity..
can u imagine an attachment student involve in dis kind of case??
owh Allah i feel blessed... Alhamdulillah ;D
i love dis! i love d anxiety! i love da busyness!
i am sure i will do dis again next semester break InsyaAllah wif other firm pulak..
dig all d exposure as 2 d max!
Thanx 4 reading up,
Myra Zain xoxo
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