hello hello!
its been awhile since my last post..
been busy mengRESTkan diri..
as my break was only for plus minus 1 month thus i made quality time out of it.. really really ;D
Syukur Alhamdulillah i manage to award my parents MD Zain b Hamzah n Zaridah Binti Abd Wahid with my degree Bachelor of Legal Studies..
its time for convo! heee..
busy cari baju, kihkih! padahal da cari b4 result lg.. apelah myra! heee ;D
n next another busiest one year of LLB..
InsyaAllah pray for d best ya.. ;)
so i want to thank all my AWESOME lecturers who without fail giving all out for our success
thank you batchmates who rocks d 4 n half roller coaster journey!
thank you housemates, sori for everything xoxo
thank you parents
thank you family, kakak, abg, abg ipar, kakak ipar, damia n aqeel
thank you awak ;) keep me accompanied throughout d study week heee ;)
lots of love,
Myra Zain