Friday, July 26, 2013

i believe once called love it is forever

but wif missing pieces as nowadays it is too difficult for all to sit together again maybe sometimes in future InsyaAllah.. ;D


last time went to soe's was last 2 years raya i think wif aizat

there aizat,me,soe n faliq

now wif my lovely babes, hihi! ;D

just bear wif us a bit plis, hewhew
unedited sbb malaih!

Myra Zain
Ketua Rombongan Krohuns xoxo

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I'm in love!

hello dear!
yes im in love..
i always believe dat to be happy you must be in love in wat u're doing..
im in love wif wat im doing now..
its not about stay up all nite..
stay up at firm slept only on toto brought by ily (thanx ily!) n my comforter share for at least 4 mates..
slept only for 2 hours max duration during final..
eat,study,play,laugh,stress out all day long..
sometimes could not differentiate whether its 3pm or 3am as it looks alike, haha!
its about passion n commitment!
im in love wif LLB life..
yes sometimes u feel like dis is too burdensome but in a way i love it n miss it during dis semester break..
i've found happiness in doing all dis...
i hope my path is all within keredhaan Nya, InsyaAllah..

Best regards;
Myra Zain
Zharif & Partners

Sunday, May 12, 2013

yayyy! hello im officially graduated!


thank you ayah n ma sanggup 2ggu sampai pukul 7 br nk abes convo
lapchuuu till forever ;D

ma's candid.. hihi!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

pre graduation

aftermath test evidence.. dush dush! xleh jawab! *nangis kejap*
ironically when ur convocation day is 2moro n today u have killer subject test, EVIDENCE..
n actually monday ade test contract remedies tp lecturer baik lambatkn cket..
if not bace notes la smbl 2ggu giliran amek skroll..
lepas test kite vain la kejap dgn robe..

bile da graduate from law school but still in d same law school
plus wif no more weekend anymore, pity

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013


im doin recap again..
heee ;D
it was superb dinner at SACC

dis is our very own performance part 6 flash mob
try to upload da vid but cannot, hee ;)

thanx nilda from twist! 

love wedding

my primary school fren's wedding


hello hello!
its been awhile since my last post..
been busy mengRESTkan diri..
as my break was only for plus minus 1 month thus i made quality time out of it.. really really ;D
Syukur Alhamdulillah i manage to award my parents MD Zain b Hamzah n Zaridah Binti Abd Wahid with my degree Bachelor of Legal Studies..
its time for convo! heee..
busy cari baju, kihkih! padahal da cari b4 result lg.. apelah myra! heee ;D
n next another busiest one year of LLB..
InsyaAllah pray for d best ya.. ;)

so i want to thank all my AWESOME lecturers who without fail giving all out for our success
thank you batchmates who rocks d 4 n half roller coaster journey!
thank you housemates, sori for everything xoxo
thank you parents
thank you family, kakak, abg, abg ipar, kakak ipar, damia n aqeel
thank you awak ;) keep me accompanied throughout d study week heee ;)

lots of love,
Myra Zain