entry for today is all about belakberi *ejaan busuk blackberry*
ahahaha! just to share my little n humble experience using dis fon,
first im using dis black blackberry curve 8520,
but because im too excited buying dis fon,
i didnt really check da fon n come to be its bb application world is not functioning,
it is about only after 1 week bought dat fon i realized it as my bb services from celcom starts functioning,
im too sad, went from 1 celcom centre to another and from 1 fon booth to another,
feels so tired, tidiiiiing! i just decide lets swap fon! hey hey u just bought it for 1 week myra! hey crazy! mwuahaha.. bluwekkk i dun care! ngeee ;D

thennnnn, i bought dis 1,
same like boyfie's bb,
nie laaaa fon busuk i skang,
review?? its quite slow act, u must frequently reboot ur fon if not it may hang...
n dis fon got no gps only map,
pity dis smartphone act, huhuhu!
so think twice if u guys intend to get 1 of dis..
ngeheee! ;D
review dis fon is super duper fast!
dun need to always reboot it,
plus its design is soooooo sexy n so executive!
GREAT! i like!
haaaa! so peeps plis be extra careful when getting dis fon,
i learnt my lesson,
need to swap to other curve because of da old bb application world,
so CHECK CHECK CHECK b4 pay okayh?
dun regret always b a smart buyer!
love ya,
Myra Zain
yg pakai curve jea sbb x mampu, sobsssss! ;'( nak bold 3!