i terharu la cenggini.. ;'(
firstly i nak ckp without all my teachers i am nothing..
seriously dulu time primary suke hapai *hafal in utara* poem ape ntah name lupe da yg psl
even i am a successful doctor even i am a great lawyer now,
w/o tc i am nothing...
haa yang tu laa i hapai dulu..
i suke die cam touching2 cket..
ngeee ;p
so i nak wish to all my ex tc Sek Keb Wangsa Melawati a very very very thank you,
even i xleh dok diam dulu when i was small,
even i bace ikrar kat dpn dulu suke lupe2 cket pastu kene mara
*dulu konon2 vice head prefect, aceceh!* ahaha
then then,
haaa during my secondary!
i nk wish Happy tc's Day to all tc yg pena aja i kat Sek Men Keb Desa Tun Hussein Onn
n tak lupe tc tuition i gak *cikgu ven, add maths*
sbb cg la i dpt a1,
*seriously nak nanges, gedik!* ehehe
even result spm i not as what i hope so..
i xdpt straight a's pn..
*i nanges guling2 peluk tiang, exaggerate!* ngeee
dyba did! proud of her.. hihihi
but ok laa..
thanx to all tc...
thank you so much!
now now,
thanx to all Lecturer start from foundation law kat UITM Kedah
*how i miss kedah sbb mkn best pas2 mura pas2 best lg pas2 mura lg pas2 i gemuk* hihi
n currently degree law kat UITM Shah Alam...
having cool lect n very very dedicated is a bless..
wink wink ;) extra marks can r sir n madam?
i leh esk nak final mlm nie text n call my lect lagi n dieorg pn tepakse la layan
thanx! teheee ;D
last but not least,
to my parents...
thanx for being my ever after greatest tc in dis whole world!
i love both of u
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