*saje gune word scratch so its sounds mean but sndr xfaham y shud i b so*
haih ! head's down ;p ;p ;p
mish mish u very very much aaaa ;*
i just wanna say:
i love working as much as i love studying n as much as i love been busy
conclusion? i love my life! ;D
owh someone post dis song on my wall.. he knew dat i like dis song..
thanx dude!
dis is acoustic cover version of jar of hearts by Christina Perri (sang by Boyce Avenue n Tiffany Alvord)
normally i'll listen to d original version by Christina Perri but dis time around a bit different..
n still love it! owh n btw dis girl is so cute! seriously n nice voice too..
hurmn im searching for a gud netbook act!
think of getting 1 considering dat next sem i will be very busy wif moot n legal research..
so to avoid wasting time while waiting 4 next class lepak at fac..
i need netbook bcoz it's small so just campak in my handbag n go..
thus no more time will be wasted wif only mengumpat n gossips..
still can do something beneficial while gossips!
lets refer back on wat i said? no more time will be wasted wif only mengumpat n gossips so kene ade something to do besides dat la.. eheh eheh!
get it get it?? ;D ;D
*very multitasking kan i?* haaa i told ya! ehem ehem *blush*
so any suggestion??
thinking of : Lenovo Ideapad s10

all user's reviews r quite recommending..
so if u guys out there have any experience wif dis netbook..
wanna share plis do so..
or any other suggestions??
thanx in advance! ;)
until then lotsa love from,
Myra Zain
aku tak reti la bab-bab teknologi ni. noob gile aku. haha
ReplyDeleteahaha! hadi hadi.. kau smart kot! name me 1 brand jea yg kau trust bab laptop2 netbook2 nie.. :)
ReplyDeletehurm... klu nk best brand, ada 3 yg senang nk cari sparepart klu rosak. either HP/Compaq, Acer, or Dell. then, klu nk bli lappy, kne tgk gak bajet bape. :) pastu kne determine, nk watpe je ngan lappy tu nty... klu stakat nk wat kje taip2 je, xperlu graphic card pun xpe... klu nk wat kje2 men'design' i.e. gne adobe photoshop/illustrator/flash, xperlu grafik tinggi... processor i3 pun da cukup bagus n graphic AMD pun da ok. klu nk main game ngan grafik tggi, mcm nk men lumba kete ke, better at least processor i5 ngan graphic nvidia g-force or higher. :P
ReplyDeletep/s: ni ntuk spec processor i3 n i5 2nd generation. cner nk tau 1st or 2nd generation? 1st generation dia ada 3 nombor eg "intel core i3 550" ni logo dia http://doityourselfhtpc.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/intel-core-i3.jpg
2nd generation dia ada 4 nombor eg "intel core i3 2100" ni logo dia http://hothotbuzz.com/wp-content/gallery/intel-core-i3-2100/intel_corei3.png
nk tgk logo tu copy paste address tu yek... :P
ReplyDelete2nd generation better dr 1st generation. processor dia lebih stabil n speed pun ok... so, good luck... :)
waahhh *ternganga* ahaha!
ReplyDeletethanx syux!
u do help alot..
nnt nk beli bwk shux skali la senang..
hihihi ;p