firstly, HELLO people! ;D
pheww~~ *breath in n out*after all da hard works
we've been struggling a lot
most of da time consumed is at da library *no time for lunch so mkn ptg merangkap mlm jea everyday* tsk
but hey! ;) ;D
love to share dat my written submission n bundle of authorities had safely submitted to Miss Ummi, woot woot!
so here u go, representing Solicitors for the Appellant;
Diana Amira & Co,
Advocates & Solicitors
*Diana as da lead counsel while me as da co counsel*
yg tebai *tebal* tu Bundle of Authorities yg nipih *nipis* tu written submission ;p
lets pray for our success on da real mooting presentation day, 16/11 okayh? ;)
next, done wif my poem presentation also!
hihi ;D
entitled When You Come by Maya Angelou
after dis need to focus on my legal research paper,
topic -Review on Land Acquisition Act 1960 : Adequacy of Compensation.
*still a library task n lotsa online research basis*
then need to cope up wif da upcoming test which is around da corner,
Land Law 2, Administration of Trust, Legal Research n Methodology
owh n assignment Cyber Law
hurmn not to forget then Criminal 2
*ckp psl keje mmg xpena nk abes but still love my hectic schedule, err hope so!* hikhik ;p
okayh bye!
Myra Zain
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