how every weekend i'd travel so far from 1 house to another just simply because i love da concept of how people do keep in touch during festive season..
how raya brings all da love and connect people no matter da distance that tear them apart before..
u noe open houses were everywhere, gud food n happy chatting gather family n frens.. <3
dis is soooo nice! like seriously ;))
hihi ;D
at aimi's! all r my course mates n also 6 from them r my housemates <3
at pretty farra's! *she's wearing white kebaya* i noe her when i was in my primary school.. ahaha!
at soe's my bestie from krohuns
time nie at my senior house, fik.. his mom's spaghetti sedap sgt but sadly im on diet so cannot eat much ;D
that's all!
Bye Shawal till we meet again
lotsa love;
Myra Zain
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