title to be put dat way with reasons ya.. (konon2 i did vote for election or wat but act NOT)
teheee ;D
Imma busy bee dat buzz buzz da whole of dis week!
like seriously starting of with Administration of Trust, then 3 hours of mooting session which is very unusual as other group session is approximately 2 hours, then last night was my Criminal Law test..
*welcome to da law school myra! horaaaayh! err ;/ * hihi
but i do enjoyed everything, all da challenges, obstacles, brain crashing, drill from the judge ;)
thanx group mates! *hugs*
Counsel for da Appalent *me-co counsel & diana-lead counsel*
counsel for da Respondent *sori we aint scared, nah ah!* ahaha
respondent counsel do mingle with us even before mooting, no worries ;D
btw special thanx to rina as dis is all da way from taiping n thanx to emilia coz did send dis to my house
dis is sexy superdelicious accompany for mooting revision session ever! ;)
see emi n faliq we aint scared, bahaaa! ;))
btw break some legs myra?? nope! i'm survived in totally 1 whole piece ;D
*n i miss my little angel so much!* tsk
done mooting is not da end of everything but only a new whole beginning of my life
bye people! with lotsa love,
Myra Zain
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